September 2023

3D Printed Goodies Now Available

We’ve gotten our first batch of 3D printed items finished and evaluated. We posted the eye blanks a little earlier, but now we’re starting to include jawsets, claws, and potentially noses! We don’t yet have the materials for our foam, silicone, plastic, or rubber offerings, but they’re coming! Right now I’m populating our Etsy store

It’s Official!

We are now the proud owners of Bardic Bestiary’s former studio equipment and molds. The contract was signed last night and we picked up the rest of the materials! That means we can officially get started making fursuit supplies. Now all that’s left is to make the studio usable (we need to install flooring and

It’s all coming together.

Hey again, Blizzie here! Just wanted to post an update since I haven’t in … a couple of weeks? We’ve been busy getting everything situated and ensuring we have all of our necessary materials! Lastly, we’re finally signing on the business acquisition on Saturday, meaning we can officially announce and begin distributing those assets after