It’s all coming together.

3D renderings of base head, lower jaw, follow-me eye, noses, and claws. These are only a sampling of the future offerings!

Hey again, Blizzie here!

Just wanted to post an update since I haven’t in … a couple of weeks? We’ve been busy getting everything situated and ensuring we have all of our necessary materials! Lastly, we’re finally signing on the business acquisition on Saturday, meaning we can officially announce and begin distributing those assets after that date!

We will be posting the fursuiting supplies on this website and on our Etsy, which is now live (albeit bare at the moment): — expect to see things like foam and 3D printed heads, follow-me eyes, claws, teeth, jaw sets, and much more!!

Once we are more established, we will be offering even more options including LED claws, technology advancements for suits, and more — not just commissions!

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