We’re still around, don’t worry!

Hi! We haven’t forgotten about the website, it’s just been incredibly busy for us. Since our last update:

  1. We have nearly finished the studio
  2. We’ve expanded our offerings significantly
  3. Our UV printer has been set up and we are printing with it
  4. I (Blizzie) quit my job to do this full-time in the beginning of April
  5. We were a vendor at Las Vegas Fur Con in March and it was amazing! We had a great time.

I got 17 (art) commissions at LVFC and have been plugging away at getting them all completed. Once that’s done, my next goal is to get everything here updated and bring the store back up!

Expect more frequent updates in the future. This was just a quick one to let you know that we’re still working, just busy busy!

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