How-to Guides:

Creating a Duct Tape Dummy

A duct tape dummy is a valuable tool employed by many fursuit companies to ensure a proper fit for your suit. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of creating your own duct tape dummy, which can serve as the foundation for crafting a well-fitted and comfortable fursuit.

Prefer a visual guide? Not to worry! A photographic (and video) step-by-step guide is coming soon.

Materials Needed

  1. Old clothes you don’t mind covering in duct tape or potentially being damaged
  2. Duct tape (approximately 2-3 rolls)
  3. Plastic wrap
  4. Foam padding (optional, for added support)
  5. Scissors or medical shears

NOTE: We recommended using medical shears to avoid accidentally cutting yourself; use something like these)

Step 1: Prepare the Model

Wear the old clothes that you don’t mind covering in duct tape. These clothes will serve as a barrier between the duct tape and your body.

Step 2: Wrap in Plastic

Begin by wrapping the areas of your body you want to create the dummy for with plastic wrap. This includes your torso, hips, arms, and legs. The plastic wrap will act as a release agent, preventing the duct tape from sticking directly to your skin.

Step 3: Apply the Base Layer of Duct Tape

  1. Start by having a helper cut strips of duct tape, each around 12-18 inches long. These strips will be used to create the base layer of the dummy.
  2. Begin applying the strips of duct tape horizontally around the areas you want to cover. Overlap each strip slightly to ensure complete coverage. Start from the bottom and work your way up, making sure to maintain the shape and contours of your body.
  3. Once you’ve covered the entire area with the base layer of duct tape, go back and add a second layer of tape vertically. This will reinforce the structure and create a sturdy base.

Step 4: Create the Shell

After applying the base layers, use longer strips of duct tape (around 24-36 inches) to create the outer shell of the dummy. Apply these strips vertically to cover the entire area. Make sure to continue maintaining the shape and contours.

Step 5: Mark Cutting Lines

Have your helper mark lines on the duct tape where you’ll eventually cut to remove the dummy. These lines should follow natural body seams, making it easier to reassemble the dummy later. Common lines include the sides of the torso, under the arms, and down the legs.

Step 6: Cut and Remove

  1. Carefully cut along the marked lines using sharp scissors. Take your time to ensure you’re cutting only through the duct tape and not the plastic wrap or the clothes underneath.
  2. Gently peel the cut sections apart, starting from the bottom. If needed, your helper can assist you in this process.

Step 7: Reinforce and Reassemble

  1. Once you’ve removed the dummy, inspect the edges and seams. If you notice any areas that seem weak or uneven, reinforce them with additional strips of duct tape from the inside.
  2. Carefully reassemble the cut sections of the dummy. Begin from the bottom and work your way up, securing the seams with additional strips of duct tape on the inside.

Step 8: Add Support (Optional)

Please note: if you are sending the dummy to us, DO NOT complete this step.

If you intend to use the dummy for display or to hold your suit’s shape when not in use, you can add support to the interior. This can be done using foam padding or other materials that help maintain the shape of the dummy.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully created a duct tape dummy. Keep in mind that this process can take several hours, so be patient and take breaks as needed. Always prioritize your comfort and safety throughout the process.